Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I'm doing more posting on other|matters than here. Like I mentioned before, not sure what to do with the blog. Anyhow, here's a post (taken from a previous post I had here on From Clay). Thanks.
We're made from clay but also from a spirit that is not of this world. Negotiations between the two are always in session. Meanwhile, you may find here some reviews, commentary, translations, links to various articles, excerpted quotes, exegesis, and anything else that has a chance to edify, inspire, remind, or kindle. Thanks for dropping by.
—— Ibrahim N. Abusharif, Ph.D. Twitter @i_abusharif
About not being sure what to do with this blog:
Do you mean you feel like it has become extraneous? Your last few links have all taken me to other|matters where I enjoy reading your posts. Maybe if you keep this blog you can redefine its purpose and focus to distinguish it from the kind of writing you post on other|matters.
I've enjoyed reading From Clay for almost a year but I would be happy to continue reading you wherever.
Barak Allah fikum.
Electro, thank you for note. I'm still unsure about the frequency of my posts, but I hope that it will be settled soon, God willing. Again, I appreciate your comment.
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