Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mid-East Violence

It is painful to follow the insanity of the current violence in the Middle East and our government's political sloth. Some articles are worth reading and their lively discussions that follow. Consider going to altmuslim and its growing list of comments. You may also read through Salon's decent attempt to get to the lost and forgotten "root" of the problem, same thing with Common Dreams. There are plenty of readings about the conflict, and my listing of some of them here is simply an attempt to say something about an event that truly rips the heart. Also read Rabbi Lerner's article (originally of Tikkun) published in American Muslim. If you have any other article worthy of recommendation, then please leave a link in your comment. Any weird stuff will be deleted, like Vi4gr8 or Rolex or wealthy Nigerian widows or pamphleteering. Peace!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The LA Times had an article on the plight of the refugees. Interesting read.,0,314217.story?coll=la-home-headlines

7/20/2006 9:40 AM  
Blogger jordan robinson said...

Nice guest column by former president of MSA National, Hadia Mubarak.

Demand Israel Pity Civilians

7/21/2006 6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new post on the Darvish blog called Voices for Peace in the Holy Land is of some comfort. May it grow, inshallah.

Ya Haqq!

7/22/2006 11:04 AM  

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